What we believe

Confession of Faith



in one God, the Almighty Father, Creator of the heaven and the earth and all things, visible and invisible; and 


in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father from eternity: God out of God and Light out of Light, truly God and of the same being as the Father; who for us as man and for our salvation, descended from heaven and became flesh, truly God and truly man, conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary; who suffered, was crucified, died, descended into hades and was resurrected on the third day; who ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of the Father, from where He cometh again in glory to judge the living and the dead; and of whose kingdom there shall be no end; and 


in the Holy Ghost that speaketh through the prophets, whereby we bear the image of the Father, and that dwelleth in us and is our teacher and guide in all truth, and He is one God. 




in His holy Apostolic Church, the fellowship of the saints and in the Apostle sent to us as the anointed of Jesus Christ. 




in the administering of the three Holy Sacraments, namely: the Holy Baptism with water unto repentance in the Name of Jesus Christ, whereby we are grafted into Christ and participate in the covenant of grace; the Holy Communion whereby we receive forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus Christ; and the Holy Sealing by the laying on of the hands of an Apostle of Jesus Christ, whereby we receive the Holy Ghost; and 


in the administering, through the living for the dead, of the three Holy Sacraments unto the souls in the realm of the dead.




in the Holy Scriptures, the Old and the New Testament, and in the fulfilment of all the promises contained therein. 




that our souls are sanctified and clothed in righteousness in the body of Jesus Christ, in preparation for our membership as the soul-bride; 


that the children of God we must love Him above all, serve Him in submissiveness, honour the brotherhood and love our neighbour as ourselves; 


that for the Lord’s sake, we must subject ourselves to the rulers and powers placed over us, submit ourselves to every ordinance and acknowledge and respect the legitimate rulers of the land in which we live, even if we have to suffer anguish. 

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Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, The Old Apostolic Church is a global community rooted in faith, love, and service. Join us in living out Christian values and making a positive impact on society.​